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Your shortcut to kissing like a star.
You know that movie kisses are romantic, sensual,
and often quite erotic. Believe it or not, that's not just
movie magic at work.
In this new handbook to be published in February
2007, William Cane, the world's leading authority on kissing, reveals
the best-kept secrets that stars regularly use to make their kisses
heat up the screen. What's more, this indispensable guide will teach
you how to make your kisses as romantic and memorable as movie kisses.
If you love to kiss, you owe it to yourself to learn:
- How to french kiss like a blockbuster star
- How and when to kiss the entire face
- How and why to guide your partner through certain kisses
- Which kisses the opposite sex likes more than others
- How to use your tongue for maximum effect
- How and when to kiss from the side of your partner
- How to make your kisses irresistible
- Plus much more!
Sure, movie kisses are romantic.
But now those movie techniques can be yours.
With the Hollywood secrets outlined in this book.
You, too, can kiss like a star!