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Advice for Shy People
I'm too shy to purchase THE ART OF KISSING in a bookstore. What can I do?
Many people feel shy about buying the book in a bookstore. But remember, the clerks in these
stores sell so many books, they won't think twice about your buying it. If anything, they'll
probably think you're buying it as a gift, or because you're romantic or a good lover. Believe me,
they'll never think you're a loser because you're buying a book on kissing. It's like saying,
"Hey, I'm really into romance, and I want to be even better at it." Literally hundreds of thousands
of sexually active and socially successful people have purchased THE ART OF KISSING in
bookstores and were proud to do it. So don't be shy, my friend. When you buy it, just think to
yourself, "This clerk probably doesn't have this book, and probably feels jealous of me for owning a copy.
They probably think I'm a great lover, a real romantic. And I am!"
I never ordered a book in a bookstore. How do you do it?
It's easy! You just go up to the clerk and say, "I would like to order a book that you don't have
on the shelf." They will take your name and phone number. In a few days, they'll call you and tell
you the book is in the store! If you prefer, you don't have to leave your phone number. You can
call them to check if it's in yet.
I'm afraid my parents will laugh at me for having it.
If you worry about your parents criticizing you for owning a book like this, you're making a
mistake. They probably wish they had it in their library. So buy it, and don't worry what they
think. You may find that they envy you, consider you romantic, and are constantly trying to
borrow your copy of the book.
My parents won't allow me to have a book like this in the house.
Are you sure? Have you asked them? If that's their attitude, you should buy it and hide it in a big
boring textbook. Just cut the pages out of a big old textbook and hide THE ART OF KISSING
inside it. They'll never know! Lots of people have done this.
I'm still afraid to buy it. Do you have any other advice?
If you're still shy and I haven't convinced you to buy it yourself, ask one of your best friends to
buy it for you.
Do you have any final advice for me? I'm afraid to do any of the things you
My final advice is this. Whatever you do, don't go through life without this book. It's just too
good and has such good advice, that you have to figure out some way to get yourself a copy. Use
your brains! Use your imagination! Figure something out. Get this book. You'll be kicking
yourself mentally every time you kiss if you haven't read this book. Please don't let that happen to