By the author of The
Art of Kissing
Standard Kissing Lesson $375 — The "standard kissing lesson" is for couples only. A comprehensive lesson suitable for experienced kissers who want to
develop new sensitivity, greater ability, and better technique. The lesson
is taught by Michael Christian (pen name William Cane) author of The
Art of Kissing, so you can be sure it covers everything you need to know.

Surrogate Kissing Lesson $575 — This lesson is for those who do not have a partner. You will be provided with a surrogate partner
trained by William Cane.
Q. Who teaches the lessons?
A. Michael Christian (pen name William Cane) has directed over three thousand people in how to
kiss. He has been called the world's leading authority on kissing, America's
favorite kissing expert, and the kissing doctor. Educated at Boston College Law School,
he practiced law briefly before
writing the international bestseller The
Art of Kissing, which has been translated into twenty foreign languages.
He has appeared on over a hundred radio and television shows, including Today,
CBS This Morning, and The View. He has lectured on the art of kissing at more
than four hundred colleges and universities throughout the United States and
Q. I know how to kiss. Why should I take a lesson?
A. Because the kissing lesson is the most exciting, innovative, and romantic gift you can give
the person you love. The two of you will arrive at the
office of the world’s leading authority on kissing. In a
relaxing and romantic environment you'll be guided through thirty different kinds of romantic
kisses. By the end, you'll be more
sensitive to your partner, more aware of how your partner is kissing you, and
you'll find yourself counterkissing with more passion than you ever dreamed
Q. What are the benefits of the kissing lesson?
• You’ll learn thirty different romantic kisses.
• You’ll improve your kissing skill.
• You’ll enhance your kissability.
• You’ll become a better kisser.
Q. What will I learn in the kissing lesson?
• Women will learn how to please guys.
• Men will learn where women like being kissed best.
• You’ll learn lip-o-suction, the music kiss, the Trobriand Islands kiss,
and many more.
• You’ll learn how men and women like to french kiss.
• You’ll become a more sensitive, passionate kisser.
• You’ll master the counterkiss, one of the most important kissing skills.
• You’ll learn to kiss for the sake of kissing.
• You’ll enjoy kissing more.

Q. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Surrogate Lesson?
A. The major advantage is that you'll have someone to kiss. This allows you to practice everything before
you try it yourself in a real relationship. The
only disadvantage of the Surrogate Lesson is that for extremely shy people it might be difficult to kiss a stranger.
Note: Both the Standard and Surrogate Lesson are PG-rated. They don't cover anything other than romantic kisses that appear in the
author’s book.
Q. Is there anything else I'll learn?
A. You'll also get a compatibility analysis based on your birth order (the
number of siblings you grew up with) which will help you kiss your partner more
effectively. No other kissing lesson offers this advantage, and this topic is
not covered in the author's book
or DVD.
Keep in mind that this is a great gift to give your significant
other. Imagine being able to boast to your friends that you completed a kissing
course with the world’s leading authority on kissing, author of The
Art of Kissing. People will be lining up to kiss you! And ultimately
the kissing lesson is more entertaining that a night at the theater.
Q. Does the kissing doctor come to my home or must I go to his office?
A. No house calls. Lessons are only available in his office, which is in Downtown Manhattan.
Q. How long do the lessons take?
A. A typical lesson takes about ninety minutes.
Q. Where is the kissing doctor’s office?
A. The kissing doctor's office is in a safe New York City neighborhood
that's easy to get to by car, train, or taxi. The address is 199 Chambers Street, New York, NY 10007.
Q. Is the kissing lesson fun?
A. Yes, it is. Over 1,000 couples who have been instructed by Michael
Christian can attest to the fact that it's fun.
Q. Where can I read more about the lesson?
A. You can read an online review of the kissing lesson published by New York Magazine on July 11, 2013.
Q. Can I pay for the lesson with a credit card?
A. Yes. Advance payment is required, so please use the
button below to order your lesson.
For further info on the Standard or Surrogate kissing lesson, call
today, or email You'll be glad you did. (We recommend scheduling your lesson at least a
week in advance.)
Michael Christian
689 Kimball Avenue
Yonkers, New York 10704
Telephone: (914) 237-7795
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Art of Kissing
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